Seminary Info

Mission Statement

With the grace of God, the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern UnIted States' Asaph Hymns Institute (AHI), under the auspices of H.G. Bishop Youssef, plan to  promote an educational opportunity and spiritual edification by providing high-quality university-level education to all who wish to realize the treasures of the Coptic Orthodox Church.  Through academic research, pedagogic innovation, and collaborative partnership we seek to be a world leader in the design, content and delivery of the heritage of the Coptic Church.

How we deliver our mission

The AHI was founded to open up higher education to all, regardless of their circumstances or where they live. We welcome students from all around the globe to learn the hymns, rites, history, theology, language, and dogmatic practice of the diaconate of the Coptic Orthodox Church. This initiative is to be offered almost exclusively online with an annual meeting to be held in Titusville, Florida, USA. 

We are committed to promoting equal opportunities for all and we monitor ourselves to make sure we live up to our ideals.